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10 ways to save money

    1. If you're going to a restaurant, ask them to pack half the meal in a to-go container before they bring the meal to you

    That way, you eat less AND you have a meal ready (lunch or dinner) for the next day

    2. Take public transit or bike or walk

    If you can, take public transit, bike or walk. It not only will save you money but it will make you more fit and is better for the environment.

    3. Fast

    Fasting (I like skipping breakfast) saves you money from that one (or more) meals. And it's also good for you.

    4. Borrow from the library

    If you haven't visited your library recently, you'd be amazed at what you can find there. It's not just books, but also magazines, newspapers, audiobooks, ebooks, access to online courses - our library even has a 3D printer

    5. Always review and negotiate your recurring bills

    Any time I see the charge go up on my internet or mobile bill, I call the provider and ask them what they can do to lower the charge.

    6. Don't hang out with big spenders

    They say you're the average of the five people you spend the most time with. If you spend time with people that are flying first class, driving luxury cars, have huge mansions, private chefs, you're going to feel like you need to spend more money to keep up.

    7. Buy generic

    Before you reach for the tylenol or kleenex (i.e., name brands), consider purchasing the generic brands. They're likely not that different (check the ingredients).

    8. Negotiate prices

    Negotiate prices even if you're in a place where you might not consider negotiating (for example, the supermarket). Asking doesn't hurt. Figure out what's in it for them (e.g., offering to purchase slightly damaged goods for a discount)

    9. Take cold showers

    It's not just good for your health but you pay less in heating bills.

    10. Consider turning the temperature a little lower or higher (in the winter and summer)

    Even 1 degree will make a big difference in your heating bills.

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