10 ways to spend less time on your phone
1. Go somewhere remote where there's no cell reception and definitely no wifi
2. Delete any apps from your phone
3. Or if you don't want to delete them, remove them from the home screen
Make it harder for you to access them
4. Use another app to block access to different apps or the internet
5. Use an app like Forest
Focus and concentrate
6. Turn on airplane mode
Limits a lot of functionality on your phone
7. Turn on gray scale on your phone
The lack of colours makes it less attractive
8. Put your phone away in another room
If you're working in your office, put it in your kitchen or in your bedroom
9. Turn off notifications
We get small dopamine hits every time there's a notification or buzz. Turn it off.
10. Give it to your friend
Tell them to change the password and to not let you in until you're done whatever you want to do (work, writing a book, etc.)
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