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11 Ways to Watch out for Fake Gurus

The internet has created a new marketplace of hucksters. Ready to sell you the dream and take your money.

I am not suggesting that there are no legitimate courses, seminars, etc but what I am saying is, "buyer beware".

11 Ways to Watch out for Fake Gurus

    1. Check Reviews

    • Google Search
    • Reddit
    • Youtube
    • Better Business Bureau

    Search Keywords: "SuperProduct review" "SuperProduct scam," or "SuperProduct Problem"

    2. Review their credentials

    Research them on LinkedIn and see what groups they are a part of. Did they have any formal experience? What was their job experience prior to becoming a guru? Were they experienced in a related field?

    3. Speak to an industry expert

    Do the research and find an expert in the industry with schooling and work experience

    4. Survivorship bias

    You will see positive testimonials. But you will never hear about the people that left. Generally, those people are chalked up as being lazy, unmotivated, dumb, did not follow the system "properly", it was just not for them, etc. These are all assumptions and need to have some evidence to justify them that is transparent. Transparency builds trust and credibility.

    • You will not see the % of success rate versus failure rate including a full breakdown
    • You will rarely see a six-month post-follow-up to see if the program worked.
    • For those that did not see value in the system. Why did they leave?
    • Consider those that just left or gave up and did not write a negative review because they could not be bothered to.

    Unethical gurus will bank on the fact that the people that failed will be shunted into even more upsells and cross-sells as long as they can be convinced that it's their fault and not the systems.

    5. Marketing Tactics

    You have probably noticed this pattern when you are taken to a landing page: long unending copy, videos, testimonials, drip emails, sales funnels and upselling. If you feel like you are being manipulated down a certain shunt be wary.

    6. Not given the full picture upfront

    Most reputable products do not use the saline drip method of selling you a solution. For example, an ebook that's free. Then a pricey online course then an even more expensive online course ($10k) and then consulting ($25K!)

    Some of the top experts in the world have written books for less than $30. They did not have to resort to these methods.

    7. Exuberant Enthusiasm

    If you see people display a cult-like level of happiness, enthusiasm and joy about the product. It's probably a scam.

    8. Grandiose promises

    9. Churning constant content little value

    10. You felt like you did'nt learn anything

    11. If it sounds too good to be true it probably is

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