1. Utilise to do lists to plan your day
2. Allocate specific times to complete specific tasks
3. Remove easy distractions such as social media
4. Factor in break times to reward your productivity
5. Think about where you do your work and whether its the best place to be productive
6. Try and be present in the moment. When you drift, this can be when you start blowing time on unwarranted tasks- scrolling social media etc
7. Think holistically about the work that needs to be done so you aren't restricted by particular roadblocks for certain tasks- not waiting on a response to an email that restricts everything
8. Ensure you get enough rest as pure hours worked doesnt equal productivity
9. In line with point one, understand what are the priorities for the day and go after them first. When someone is difficult, it is easy to look for the easier, less important tasks
10. Repitition. The more regular you undertake these steps and others, the more likely they will form a habit and subsequently enhance your overal productivity.
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