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11 Things I Learned Working as an IT Project Manager

This was a job I sort of fell into, and something I never expected I would do. I ended up doing it for three years and learning a lot along the way.

    1. I learned to set aside my ego - trying to prove myself right, or to prove how much I knew - in favor of accomplishing the mission at hand.

    2. I learned the fastest and most effective way to persuade someone to do something was to sincerely befriend them.

    3. I learned that no matter the temptation, maintaining the highest level of integrity is the only way to communicate information.

    4. I learned to be the type of listener who can hear not only an issue a team member or end user was experiencing but also the underlying fears or emotions they were feeling.

    5. I learned that the testing/validation part of the process was often the most important.

    6. I learned to expect the best-laid plans to change, because in some way they always do.

    7. I learned that no matter what happens, no matter the pressure, STAY CALM.

    8. I learned that it never hurts to be the person in the room with the most enthusiasm.

    9. I learned to be superbly detail-oriented, and to check, re-check, and check my work again.

    10. I learned how critical it was to scope out an accurate yet realistic project timeline.

    11. I learned that end-user adoption was often the hardest part of the plan.

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