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5 Simple Rules To Live By

this is what i think and my motivations for each

    1. Don't be a jerk.

    The Golden Rule: treat others as you want to be treated.But I think it's better stated this way:Don't be a jerk.Because if you are, then you will be treated like one and it will hurt.It's easy to be a jerk. It's hard to not be one.I've been a jerk many times in my life and it always ends up badly for me.And yet I still have moments of being one (I'm working on it).

    2. Exercise and eat well

    The body is the only thing you will live in for your entire life. So take care of it!Exercise and eat well and don't smoke or do drugs or drink too much (even though I do all four).You're going to feel better about yourself and have more energy to pursue all the things that make you happy in life.

    3. De-clutter

    Every year, empty out your closets and throw away stuff you haven't used in the past year (or ever).Create some space so that when new opportunities come your way, there's room for them in your life instead of having junk piled up everywhere blocking your view of what's possible for you.

    4. Be Generous

    When people ask me how I got where I am today, I tell them "luck" but the truth is that luck has nothing to do with it. The people who are successful are the ones who give back, who help others get ahead as they themselves are getting ahead.Be generous with your time, money, knowledge, connections, encouragement, humor (my favorite thing to give), love (if appropriate), etc., etc., etc..Everyone has something valuable they can contribute if they want to make an impact on someone else's life or even just brighten someone's day by making them laugh or smile or helping them move forward with their own goals and dreams.This doesn't mean give everything away for free but rather charge what your time is worth but then use that money/energy/resources/connections to help others succeed as well as yourself because everyone benefits from everyone else succeeding when we are all part of the same society and economy .

    5. Read good books and write down 10 ideas daily

    Read good books that inspire you or teach you something useful or funny or moving so that reading becomes an addiction like smoking was an addiction for me when I was young (although now I smoke zero cigarettes per day).Write down 10 ideas daily so that idea muscle stays strong and gets stronger every day so that eventually ideas pour out of you like water from a spring on a hot summer day when the sun hits just right after a long rainstorm has passed over the area where the spring is located.Ideas are precious gems that can make all our lives brighter if we let them through our eyes onto paper so they can benefit others as well as ourselves..
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