8 Ideas on What Makes for a Good #1 Priority
1. Impact
What is something if accomplished would dramatically improve the quality of your life?
2. Urgency
What is something that you need to work on right away to avoid diminishing your quality of life?
3. Feasibility
Something that is possible for you to do with the knowledge, skills, and resources you already possess.
4. Motivational
The priority is strong enough to motivate you to work on it every day for years if necessary.
5. Specific and Measurable
If a priority is too broad, how will you be able to quantify results?
6. Clarity
You have a clear path and generally know what results to expect.
7. Flexibility
You can adjust your strategy and course correct if you hit a roadblock.
8. Is Challenging Enough to Expand the Kind of Person You Are Without Putting Undue Pressure on Yourself
Some degree of effort and strain are expected, but don't stress yourself out over getting everything right immediately.
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