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8 Things I'd Like to Learn Over the Next 12 Months

A nice simple one for today:

    1. A New Language

    I've always been curious about different languages but never committed to actually learning one.

    2. Piano/Keyboard

    I bought a keyboard for myself a couple of years back and have since allowed it to mostly collect dust, that is going to change.

    3. To Swim

    Yes... I can't swim at the ripe age of 32.

    That is definitely changing - this will also allow me to boost my health and fitness.

    4. Go

    I've only recently stumbled upon the game of Go when I started reading 'The Go Strategy' by Pavel Avraamov and now I'm wanting to learn the game.

    5. Social Media

    I'd like to learn how to use social media to boost my attempts at getting away from my 9-5 job.

    If anyone has any tips on this - feel free to let me know over on Twitter (𝕏).

    6. Hand Lettering

    I'd love to learn to improve on my hand lettering skills and see if that could be something I could build either into an income stream or to relax.

    7. Poetry

    I'm fascinated with how we communicate using poetry and I'd love to improve on my understanding of creating good poetry.

    8. 3D Design

    I've attempted this a number of times but I never had an actual aim.

    I want to create 3D illustrations specifically - hopefully that's specific enough but I'll need to deep dive to see whether I need to go even further into a specific aim.

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