2. No longer shall we chase the fickle phantoms of approval...
...nor hinge our joy on gilded baubles or another's fleeting praise.
3. Cast aside the rigid shackles of fixed opinions for they blind us to the Truth.
Let not thieving thoughts nor fickle feelings mask thine true Self, a pearl beyond the ego's grasp.
4. Forget the trinkets that glitter and fade away for true fulfillment dwells not in the external world.
Cling no more to mortal love for its embrace offers but a fleeting warmth. Renounce the chains that bind your worth to outward show for what lies within -- a constant glow.
5. This idol worship, child, stems from a whispered lie -- a belief in severance from Love Divine.
We seek empty replacements in the world's embrace, hoping to fill the emptiness with borrowed grace. But in this seeking we lose our way, straying from the light that ever burns within.
6. Let us turn inward now, shed these false gods, and reclaim the love that rightfully belongs.
In thine Mind's depths, a boundless Consciousness lies, where peace and joy eternally Live. No longer seekers, but finders we shall be, for the Truth we sought now sets our Spirit free.
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.
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