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Ideas Post

A Collection of Mental Happy Places

I use visualization to get into a relaxed state before sleeping, and sometimes when I attempt self-hypnosis. Here are the kinds of places I imagine.

    1. An elevated wooden deck in a rainforest, close to the ocean where I can hear the waves. I'm lying in a hammock.

    2. In a beanbag at the bottom of the inside of a huge tower. The walls are lined with bookshelves.

    3. On a private plane. There's no one else aboard, and my seat is spacious and reclines enough to be a bed.

    4. In a sleeper car on a train, the bed is spacious and I have the room to myself.

    5. A cave that overlooks the mountains. Lying in a sleeping bag with a pile of feathers underneath for softness.

    6. Floating in a bacta tank like in Star Wars.

    Star Wars characters convalesce in a tank of water that has healing properties and have an air hose to keep breathing.

    7. Sliding down an infinite waterslide, the curves are gentle and rock me back and forth

    8. On a space station, in zero gravity

    9. On a submarine disguised as a whale shark

    10. Swaddled in a giant spider's web, in the treetops of a beautiful forest

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