A Collection of Mental Happy Places
I use visualization to get into a relaxed state before sleeping, and sometimes when I attempt self-hypnosis. Here are the kinds of places I imagine.
1. An elevated wooden deck in a rainforest, close to the ocean where I can hear the waves. I'm lying in a hammock.
2. In a beanbag at the bottom of the inside of a huge tower. The walls are lined with bookshelves.
3. On a private plane. There's no one else aboard, and my seat is spacious and reclines enough to be a bed.
4. In a sleeper car on a train, the bed is spacious and I have the room to myself.
5. A cave that overlooks the mountains. Lying in a sleeping bag with a pile of feathers underneath for softness.
6. Floating in a bacta tank like in Star Wars.
Star Wars characters convalesce in a tank of water that has healing properties and have an air hose to keep breathing.
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