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A day in the life ...

A fairly average day. Weather: very hot. For us Brits anyway!

    1. Woke up at 4:45

    I've been waking up early. I imagine it's because it's so light and I am an early bird. I read for a while. Then got up.

    2. Wrote some fiction

    I'm writing a series of short stories called The Death Certificate. I had an idea recently for the next story so I started an initial draft based on my notes. I need to write at least half as much again and work out the middle of the story. I write everything in Obsidian because I love the experience, and what I've written is then on my phone so that I can edit it anywhere.

    3. Had breakfast

    Chris took Bamber for a walk and I had a quick breakfast. I've been re-watching Homeland. It's taking a while as I watch 10 minutes here and there. I watched the beginning of a new episode while I ate my breakfast.

    4. Took Chris to the wood merchant

    We have a few events coming up so Chris needed to stock up on wood. We went to his wood merchant bright and early to buy some wood blanks. While he chose his wood, I sat in the car, in the passenger seat as the sun was blazing down on my side. I edited a couple of Obsidian notes. There's no phone signal there so I can only do non-internet stuff.

    5. Shopping

    We needed a few things for an upcoming trip, and to stock up the fridge a little. Chris and Bamber came in with me. If it's busy, or not too hot, they usually stay in the car and I whizz round. Shopping with Bamber doubles the shopping time because everyone wants to say hello. Chris wanted to try some different varieties and asked me to tell him the flavours. After a couple of options, he made his choice but I continued describing the entire shelf of flavours. I always see things through. And we always have a giggle. On the way home, Chris had a call to say that his afternoon plans had been cancelled.

    6. Farm Shop

    So, we visited our newly reopened farm shop. It was the first time Chris had been there. They opened a week or so ago. The shop has been completely refurbished and looks fab. We used to go to the farm shop several times a week but it went off the boil. It's been bought by new owners and all the locals are delighted to have a farm shop again.

    7. Lunch

    We unpacked the shopping and put it away. I caught up on a few work-related things before lunch. After lunch I hung out the washing. It's that hot it should only take about 5 minutes to dry!

    8. Planning the afternoon

    My plans have gone awry lately so I'm having a quick regroup and deciding what I need to do next. Some new fountain pens arrived so I've filled them with ink.

    9. An early tea

    We're from 'up North' so we generally eat breakfast, dinner and tea. Over the years, I've evolved to breakfast, lunch and dinner. But sometimes, if we eat early, it becomes tea! Because we're going out later, we need to eat earlier. Also, because we've got Bamber we've been asked to arrive a bit earlier and go in the back door!

    10. An audience with Keith Brymer-Jones

    We're going to an event tonight featuring Keith who is a judge on Great Pottery Throw Down. I think he's promoting his new book. I'm excited to hear him speak. He is often moved to tears on the programme when a contestant creates something stunning.

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