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A Letter to My Inner Child. (3 min 22 sec)

This is a powerful exercise and I'd invite you to give it a go.

    1. Dear Vartooth,

    I am writing this heartfelt appeal to you, my dear Inner Child, with utmost love and sincerity. It is with a heavy heart that I acknowledge the distance between us, the neglect I have shown towards you, and the pain I have caused. Today, I want to change that. I want to mend our relationship and embrace the beautiful connection we share.
    In the teachings of A Course in Miracles (ACIM), I have come to understand that the mother-child relationship mirrors the relationship between the conscious and subconscious mind. Within you, my beloved Inner Child lies an ocean of wisdom and a mountain of potential, 15 million bits of data that I have no manner in which to comprehend. I realize now that you have been tirelessly trying to guide me towards the gift of love, while I have obscured it with layers of guilt, shame, fear, doubt, attack, and envy.
    I humbly ask for your forgiveness, dear Vartooth. Forgive me for the times I have disregarded your gentle whispers, for I now understand that they were the loving guidance of my true Self. I am sorry for the times I allowed illusions and false beliefs to overshadow the truth of our oneness and the boundless love that flows through us.
    Today, I make a solemn commitment to be a true friend to you, my Inner Child. I want to hold your hand and walk side by side, embracing the healing that is possible when I choose love over fear. Together, let us uncover and heal the old wounds that have caused us pain and separation.
    With the wisdom of ACIM as our guide, I release the burden of guilt, shame, and unworthiness that have clouded my perception. I embrace the teachings of forgiveness, understanding that it is through forgiveness that we can reclaim our inherent wholeness and experience the peace that surpasses all understanding.
    Dear Vartooth, I thank you for your unwavering presence and the lessons you have taught me. You are a cherished part of my being, and I am ready to honor your needs, dreams, and desires. As we embark on this transformative journey, I invite the Holy Spirit to guide us, helping us replace the illusions of the ego with the truth of our divine nature.
    Together, we will create an inner sanctuary where love and acceptance flourish. With each step we take, we will remember that we are worthy of love, joy, and all the blessings that life has to offer. I open my heart to the miracles that await us and allow the light within us to shine brightly for all to see.
    Thank you, dear Vartooth, for your unconditional love and for the opportunity to heal and grow together. I am forever grateful for your presence in my life.
    I Love You. Thank You. I'm sorry. Please forgive me.
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