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Ideas Post

Ai Startup ideas

Ai Startup ideas that will be successful

    1. Image recognition

    People are always uploading photos to social media. You can label those photos. Like, "that's my friend Bob", or "that's a photo of me", etc. This is valuable data for AI training.

    2. Video recognition

    People are always uploading videos to social media. You can label those videos. Like, "that's my friend Bob", or "that's a video of me", etc. This is valuable data for AI training.

    3. Voice recognition

    People are always calling each other on the phone and you can label who is who in the conversation (and what they are talking about). This is valuable data for AI training.

    4. Who is this person?

    You see a photo of someone you don't know but they are at an event with someone you do know and you want to find out who they are so you can connect with them later. You would pay a small fee ($1-$5) to have an AI tell you who that person is in the photo so you can connect with them later on LinkedIn or whatever platform makes sense for this use case (maybe TikTok).

    For instance, see the attached photo from @zakir_hussain where he doesn't know who this guy is but wants to find out because he thinks he looks like Tom Hanks and wants to make friends with him if it turns out it's true (it's not).

    This use case will be very popular when people realize how much money they can make off it when done right (like $100 bills being thrown at them every day).

    The problem with solving this problem now is that there aren't enough labeled images of people available online yet. But I predict that will change very quickly as more and more people want to make money off of this idea once it becomes possible (which should happen within the next year or two).

    There should be a marketplace where people can buy labeled images and then sell services based on those labels. For instance, if someone needs 10,000 labeled images of CEOs, then someone else could buy those images and then sell services based on knowing which CEO in their database matches which image in the purchased set of 10,000 CEO photos. Or if someone needs 50,000 labeled photos of bald men vs non-bald men then they could buy those images and then sell services based on that distinction between bald vs non-bald men in their database (e.g. companies wanting to market products to bald men might want to know which bald man has more Twitter followers than non-bald men so they know where they should advertise).

    There also needs to be an open source repository where anyone can upload any image they want labeled for free so that others don't need to pay as much money buying these images from third party sites like Amazon S3 storage or whatever other sites start hosting these image repositories once there are enough users willing to pay for these services..
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