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Ideas Post

Alternative podcast formats

Alternatives to doing interviews on podcasts.

    1. The "No BS" podcast

    Every episode:
    A) I tell a story about something interesting that happened to me in the past week.
    B) I answer questions like, “What was my biggest failure?” or “Who is my best friend?” or “What did I learn from dating so many women?” etc.
    C) I give advice on various things. For instance, what to do if you are a writer and suddenly nobody reads books anymore (which is happening right now). Or how to deal with being broke, etc.
    D) I interview interesting people who have done something in the past week that interests me. For instance, if there’s a chess grandmaster who just won a tournament, I’ll interview them about their strategies and what it takes to be good at anything

    even if it seems unrelated (like chess) to whatever else I am doing (like investing).

    2. The "I'm not going there" podcast!

    Every episode: I ask someone, "what is the thing you don't want to talk about?" And then we talk about it for half an inch. Like, "what's your biggest regrets?" or "what's your relationship with your parents?" or "why are you so angry?". These are all things people never want to talk about but they might feel good talking about them after hearing others do it first. So every episode will be like a therapy session for everyone listening. They can call in and say, "tell me more about that."

    I think this would be very popular because everyone wants to know everything about everyone else but no one ever wants to tell anything personal themselves. This podcast will fill that niche. Plus, it would probably be very therapeutic for me as well since people will be telling me their darkest secrets and then asking me mine (which I'll try to avoid answering). This podcast would probably double as therapy sessions for me too!

    The only drawback is that maybe some people might get offended by these podcasts if they think they could have been more honest than other guests on the show. But honestly, most of these stories will be funny so hopefully no one gets hurt feelings even if they do get honest.
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