Do you wish you could acquire a taste for something but can't?
Here's my list:
1. Country Music
I love every type of music, but for some reason the buck stops here. I love the iIDEA of country music - the sad song, the truck, the field, the dog, the fireplace, Dolly Parton, but I can't listen to it. I wish I could. I named my 3 sons after cowboys and live in a rodeo town.2. Eggplant
I love every type of fruit, and would love to love this gorgeous purple egg shaped wonder, but the texture and taste make me wanna hurl even when I think about eating it. It's on my wish to love list.3. Cruise Ships
I've been on boats since I was a toddler. My dad piloted the cruise and cargo ships from Vancouver to Alaska, but I feel sick to my stomach an hour into the ride on a large vessel. I wish I could love it, but I can't.4. Ballet Flats
Love these adorable French leather lace ups but they murder my feet! I have flat feet and it's excruciating to walk around the mall in no heeled, no arch support flat shoes, but they are so chic, I wish I could wear them somewhere to sit down and admire them, without associating them with razor blades!5. Sudoku
I love brain tests, have been tested by Mensa, love wordle, word search, word jumbles, crosswords, love math, but want to cry when I do a sudoku. I wish I could learn to love them like my friends, but I haven't yet!6. Horror Movies
I've watched The Ring, Split, Tales From The Crypt, The Exorcist, you name it, and I want to enjoy them, but I merely tolerate them. I love thrillers and action movies but always get tired during a horror movie. I wish I could change my mind.7. If I’m on a cruise, eating eggplant doing sudoku, blasting country music in my earbuds, heading to the horror movie in ballet flats, say howdy!!
What’s your ‘want to loves’?
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