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Ideas Post

Area for Biz / Side Gigs

Would it help the cause ("improving" and/or increasing usage) to have a dedicated area for posting links to our businesses / side gigs?

    1. People would be more likely to share their businesses

    People are more likely to promote their businesses if they are right next to the businesses of others.

    2. The community can help each other

    If you want advice on starting a business, or how to make your idea better, you can post it and get feedback from the community.

    3. Some sort of rating system

    So people can see which side gigs / businesses have been most profitable for people in the community. This will help them decide what ideas they might want to pursue.

    4. A marketplace of services that need help with marketing and promotion

    If someone has a service but needs help with marketing and promotion, they can post it there and find people who offer those services and make an affiliate relationship.

    5. A place where people can teach things they know well but don't want to charge money for because they don't want to build a business around it.

    For instance, I've taught many friends how to play chess over the years but I never charge for it because I don't want to turn it into a business. But I'd love it if there was some sort of marketplace where I could post "I teach chess" and then other people who wanted lessons could message me about setting up lessons. Again, this is something that is hard to do now because everything is so scattered across social media channels.
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