Businesses My Mom Could Do
1. Tutoring
She has plenty of contacts. She could make a business out of tutoring.
2. Online course
Go through each year of elementary math.
3. How to get a scholarship
As a teacher she read scholarship essays for the local hospital. She could teach students how to write the best scholarship essays.
4. How to get into college
What a person needs to do to be the best candidate for college.
5. Accounting
She was an accountant before she became an elementary school teacher. She could teach accounting classes.
6. Sell lesson plans
She has probably created a million lesson plans in her time.
7. How to deal with parents
Dealing with the student parents can be harder than dealing with the students sometimes.
8. Doing people's taxes
She does hers by hand. She file for other people.
9. Part time retail job
Just work at the local shop for extra cash.
10. YouTube
She could have a channel about her life. People would find it interesting.
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