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Coin Op / Vending as a Side Hustle

Recently started wondering whether this is still a viable small-scale business that could be profitable while only working part-time. This list is some of the many questions I came up with. Thoughts, collaborations, horror stories etc. are all appreciated.

Coin Op / Vending as a Side Hustle

    1. What type of machine would I want to own?

    Vending machine? Arcade style game console? Skill game?

    2. Location

    I don't have a space of my own that is viable for a vending or coin-op machine. Which leads to...

    3. Rent

    I would have to find a business / organization that either didn't already have a machine or was willing to add another. Then on to the compensation. Would the rent be a flat fee? A percentage of what the machine takes? Maybe barter or another form of compensation for the space?

    4. Legality

    Not all type of machines are allowed in all areas. Would have to research this more.

    5. Economy of Scale

    Would owning and placing only a single machine ever pay for itself?

    6. How much time would this business take up?

    I can envision quite a bit of legwork up front. See #2. But after that I don't know how to judge how often the machine would have to be serviced or refilled.

    7. ROI

    Would I make a profit? And even if I did, how would it compare to what the money could be doing elsewhere?

    8. Insurance?

    It seems I would be able to insure the machine against damage and/or theft. Do I also need liability insurance in case the machine or product somehow injures someone? And what does this type of insurance cost?

    9. Competition?

    It seems in my area that almost all the vending or coin op machines are owned by the locations where they are placed. What advantages does this model offer the location owner? I can think of a few.

    10. Could this be an event or mobile type business?

    On a slightly larger scale I've seen mobile arcades built into a bus or trailer which are then rented out for kids' parties, etc. Is there a business model where the right type of vending or coin-op machine could be set up at carnivals, festivals, street fairs, etc. and do enough business to make it worthwhile?

    11. Lots to think about.

    12. What have I forgotten?

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