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Ideas Post

Collect generally accessible data and sell it for profit

I think there are opportunities in this area to make money online.

Some possibilities: real estate market analysis, sports and health data, financial market data, educational content e.g. B. for language learning, weather data.

I'm sure you have many more ideas. :)

    1. Real Estate

    I'm sure there's a lot of data out there on real estate in every city. And people would pay for it. For instance, what are the best neighborhoods in NYC to invest in right now? What are the areas that have the most foreclosures? When is the best time to buy a house? How much rent can I charge for this apartment? Etc.

    2. Sports betting

    There's tons of data on sports betting websites about which teams are winning and losing against each other. You can do some analysis to figure out which teams are over- or under-performing and then make bets accordingly.

    3. Health data

    Are you trying to decide between two jobs that seem similar but one pays more than the other. You don't know why they pay more. Maybe the job with higher salary has better health benefits so you'd be able to save more money down the road if you take that job. Or maybe they just want to take care of their employees better so they pay extra for better health benefits. Either way, it would be interesting to see what companies offer better health benefits and why (or not).

    4. Financial market data

    For instance, when is it a good time to buy stocks or bonds or currencies or commodities? When is it a good time to short them (i.e., bet against them)? There's lots of data out there but no one seems to analyze it very well and make predictions based on it.

    5. Educational content e.g. B. for language learning, etc

    There's all sorts of educational content out there but how do you know which ones are actually effective at teaching something? Or even worse, which ones are scams designed simply to get people's money without any benefit at all (like those "learn Spanish" courses that were popular 10 years ago).

    6. Weather data

    weather prediction is a huge industry but I've never seen anyone really analyzing weather trends in different parts of the country and using historical trends as an indicator for where there might be severe weather events in future years (hurricanes, tornados, etc)

    7. Other stuff

    Let me know your ideas!
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