Covid - Who to trust
Prompted by a tweet. How did some people seem to get everything right during covid and others everything wrong? Was it luck or are some systems better than others.
1. Don't trust propaganda
It might still be true, but if you see propaganda take it with a pinch of salt.
A step back reduces your stress /fear and allows more rational decisions to be made.
I liked to imagine I was in WW2 and the propaganda was all anti jew. Would I fall for it and turn good people in, due to the lies /fear? Would you have?
How to spot propaganda -
2. Don't follow illogical rules
Spray deyodrant a little at one side of a room. Wait a while and walk throughout the room. Can you still smell it? Of course you can (unless you live in a very big house.) when I heard that you had to wear a mask whilst you walked in a restaurant, but could take it off when sitting I could easily tell it was illogical, so didn't care about following it
BLM protests are OK told me that mass gatherings aren't that big a deal, meaning meeting with friends would be ok.
Virus can be spread asymptomaticly. Vax reduces symptoms, maybe to asymptomatic levels. Vaxed can't spread virus, unxaxed asymptomatic can.
Kids are mostly fine when they catch covid, yet there was a push for them to get a vax. Risk/reward hardly seemed worth it. If anything it was more risky to take the vax.
3. Censored
If an opinion wasn't allowed I trusted it more. If it's wrong point out it's flaws and show how idiotic the people are who believe it. Silencing looks like you're hiding something.
This isn't saying that they are automaticly true, but they're worth listening to and judging for yourself.
4. Loss >gain
Do you trust the vendor who swears he's selling 200% genuine rollex for £20 or do you trust the rollex shop selling them for £2000. One can only gain from lying, the other has huge losses from lying.
Scientists that spoke out and risked their jobs for saying something seemed much better sources than the ones who gained lots by preaching the same narrative as everyone else.
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