Credibility Bookshelves
Many YouTubers have credibility bookshelves in the background of their videos. In doing so, they show that they are smart, read a lot and are particularly well versed in certain areas. Would it be possible to achieve the same effect with photo wallpaper?
Here are some ideas for such photo wallpaper to express different messages:
1. I am smart
Book spines with occasionally recognizable titles on the topics of quantum physics, programming, philosophy and biology, but also more exotic fields of knowledge such as semiotics and cybernetics.
2. I am a person of integrity
The Bible ethics, animal rights, second wave feminism, law
3. I am an avid reader
The bookshelf is huge! Most of the spines of the books are not recognizable. Many books could come from flea markets and be very old. Classics like Dickens and Shakespeare, Freud, series of books, literary encyclopedias
4. I know a lot about economics
Textbooks of Economics, Adam Smith, J.M. Keynes, Hayek, Game Theory, investing, monetary theory
5. I am a nice person
Books about animals, photography, relationship themes, colorful art books, children's books, comic books. A child's drawing hangs next to the bookshelf.
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