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Ideas Post

Doing/To do

You've probably been wondering, like everyone else.

'Where's Rocco?'

Well worry no more. I'm back. At least for today.

Here's what I've been up to recently.

    1. Popeman and Choirboy

    I've been touching up my epic tale. I'm thinking of turning it into a book and publishing it on Amazon. I'll need to find a few folk to proof read it first. I don't want to offend anyone, just poke a bit of fun and have a laugh.

    2. Psychological Biases and How To Wield them

    I've still got a fair bit to write about, but I'm making great progress. This is still the first draft though. I still need to do a few redrafts after this, before i'll be happy publishing it.

    I'm really enjoying the process. I'm learning tons.

    3. Japan

    I'm still waiting on the company to complete their immigration stuff. Hopefully all goes smoothly. I'd love to live in Japan. It would be nice to have new places to see and explore.

    4. Animation

    Once I've finished with my writing I want to go back and make more short animations, based around learning a new language. I might even make more language learning comics.

    5. Website

    I'm not doing any business. People just don't seem to be intrested in my style of clothing. Clothes that also serve as a way to improve your thinking/happiness sounded like a great idea, I still think it is, but the market has spoken.

    Do I abandon the website? £25 a month is a fair bit of money, for something only I look at. Is there anyway I could make the website work? I could convert it to a portfolio for my work.

    6. America

    I'm going to America next week for a family wedding. I should pack my luggage soon and see if there's anything I'm missing, before it's too late.

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