NotePD Loader
Ideas Post

Final Thoughts. (1 min 56 sec)


    1. "Be safe out there while you're working hard." - Employer

    "Out there" is the world of separation, the ego's playground where we perceive ourselves as separate from God and each other. It is a realm of duality, conflict, and potential dangers, both physical and spiritual. The call to "be safe" is a reminder to be mindful of the ego's traps and not to get lost in the illusions of the world.
    "Working hard" is the effort we put into reinforcing the ego's illusions. We "work hard" to uphold our false sense of self and defend our perceived separateness. We pursue worldly goals that we believe will bring us happiness and fulfillment. However, this "hard work" is misguided because it keeps us invested in the ego's world and distracts us from our true purpose of awakening to our oneness with God.
    The employer in this metaphor is the ego or the part of our mind that believes in the reality of separation. The ego "employs" us to work hard in its world, convincing us that our safety and happiness depend on our efforts in the illusion. It even feigns concern for our well-being, as long as we continue to serve its purposes.
    However, the true safety and peace we seek cannot be found in the ego's world. Our real safety lies in remembering our eternal oneness with God and letting go of our attachment to the illusions of separation. The world is a classroom for learning and healing.
    Question the ego's motives and seek true safety where it resides, in the love and oneness of God. Our true identity is eternal and we are loving spirits forever safe in the embrace of God.
    I am sorry.
    Please forgive me.
    Thank you.
    I love you.
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