1. Jesus or Christ is not a physical being, but is a symbol of the universal Christ Consciousness that is present in all of us.
The gathering "in my name" is coming together in alignment with this Christ Consciousness.
Why else would we want to join with others if it was not for a shared holy purpose? When two or more gather with the intention of experiencing love, forgiveness, and oneness, we are invoking the presence of Christ.
This verse is a reminder that when we come together, we have the opportunity to experience this oneness and transcend the illusion of separateness.
When two or more gather in alignment with love and forgiveness our joined minds become more powerful in dispelling ego-based thoughts. We experience the real world beyond all the illusions.
Rather than a literal gathering of physical bodies, Jesus is talking about a joining of minds in purpose and intention, which happens regardless of physical proximity.
Relationships offer opportunities for healing and awakening. When we come together "in my name" (in alignment with love), there is greater potential for shifting our perceptions.
This is universal not specific. It applies to minds gathered together and focused on love, forgiveness, and awakening, regardless of religious affiliation.
This verse is pointing to the power and presence of love and oneness that becomes more apparent when minds join in a shared holy purpose. It's not talking about a literal promise of Jesus' physical presence.
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.
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