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Good Lessons Picked Up This Week

    1. Don't accept what is put in front of you - ask can it be better?

    It is a bad habit of mine. I am trying to get myself to zoom out and see if what I have been provided can be improved on.

    2. Don't let yourself be driven by the External - Focus on the internal

    3. The importance of connection in project management

    4. How much unchanging issues can oppress and change us if we're not careful to live from inside

    The unending pressure from the political noise can weigh on our emotions and change us.

    5. The New Happy - a great book - lots of lessons here. But the biggest - that we should do the next helpful / right thing in front of us. It will create a ripple in the world.

    6. Instead of asking are there any questions, ask What are Your Questions?

    7. Compare yourself to the Future You (Who You want to become)

    8. To succeed - break down what you want to accomplish into small enough steps to make it simple enough for you to do (From Alex Hormozi)

    9. Measure your success by whether you've completed the actions that would make it unreasonable for you to fail (From Alex Hormozi)

    10. Think of love as connection

    11. My perception of God may have limited my ability to heal. Time to come up with a difference God.

    12. My identities connect me to many different groups:

    From personal to where I live, to where I work, to what I like to do, to what I like to read, to the kinds of pets I have. I am not isolated or separate. I am part of many groups. Go connect.

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