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Have some free time? Follow these 10 steps to become a Facebook Marketplace seller and make $100 your first month.

This year I left Boston to move to a new city as part of a slew of life changes. The move-out date for my apartment was June 30th. Starting mid-May, I began selling my furniture and appliances on Marketplace one-by-one. By the time the end of the month rolled around, my apartment was gloriously empty, and my wallet was fat and happy.

As the macroeconomy shifts and economic headwinds promise to bring trouble to the markets, consumer pockets may be more stretched than ever. On the positive side of things, I can't think of a better time to become a marketplace seller than now, when spending on secondhand goods is set to increase. It'll be a seller's market, and you can be a part of it.

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Have a knack for selling things, or access to merchandise? Or maybe you just have a bunch of items you need to get rid of? Anyone can sell things on Facebook Marketplace. You don't need to be a star salesperson, a stellar shopper, or even particularly digitally-savvy. Nor do you need to invest money into high start-up costs. It's just a matter of learning how to start. Follow the steps below, in order, and you'll be making profits in no time flat.

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