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"Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away." (Matthew 24:35) (2 min 11 sec)


    1. The physical world, including heaven and earth as we perceive them, is an illusion that will eventually pass away.

    However, the truth that Jesus teaches is eternal and unchanging. Jesus' words are the voice of truth, the Holy Spirit, which is always present in our minds, guiding us to awaken from the dream of separation.
    When Jesus says, "Heaven and earth will pass away," he is pointing to the impermanent nature of the physical world. This world is a temporary projection of the ego, which is the belief in separation from God. All things in this world, including our bodies and the material universe, are subject to change and decay.
    However, when Jesus adds, "but my words will never pass away," he is referring to the eternal nature of truth. His words symbolize the unchanging reality of God's love and our true identity as eternal spirit. This truth is not subject to the laws of time and space, and it cannot be altered or destroyed.
    As we learn to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit (represented by Jesus' words), we begin to awaken from the dream of separation. We become aware that our true reality is not the changing world of form, but the eternal oneness of God's love.
    Jesus is reminding us that no matter what seems to happen in the world of illusions, the truth of God's love and our eternal nature remains untouched. As we align our minds with this truth, we experience the joy that come from remembering our true home in God.
    This scripture is a powerful call to trust in the eternal truth that Jesus represents, even as the world of form seems to change and pass away. It is an invitation to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit within and to let that truth guide us home to the unchanging reality of God's love.
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    Please forgive me.
    Thank you.
    I love you.
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