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"Honor your father and your mother." (3 min 55 sec)


Greetings, fellow explorers of the divine! In our last discussion, we discovered how the Fourth Directive invites us to create sacred space in our lives for connection with God. Now, let's turn our attention to the Fifth Directive and explore what it truly means to "honor your father and your mother."

    1. Fifth Directive: Honor your father and your mother.

    On a surface level, this directive seems like a simple encouragement to respect and obey our parents. But, there's a much deeper meaning at play. It's inviting us to recognize the divine spark within our parents, and indeed within all beings. It's a call to look beyond the ego's judgments and see the true worth that lies beneath the surface.
    So often, our relationships with our parents are colored by the ego's perceptions of right and wrong, good and bad. We judge their actions, resenting their flaws, or holding onto past hurts and grievances. But when we view our parents through the lens of divine love, we see them in a whole new light.
    We recognize that, like us, our parents are on a journey of learning. They too are grappling with the challenges of the human experience, doing the best they can with the understanding and awareness they have. When we honor our parents, we are not condoning their actions or excusing their mistakes. Rather, we are choosing to see beyond the surface level and acknowledge the God within them.
    This practice of honoring our parents is not always easy, especially if we have experienced pain and trauma in our relationships with them. But it's important to remember that true honor comes from a place of unconditional love, not because someone has earned it through their actions.
    When we choose to offer love and forgiveness to our parents, we are not doing it for their sake, but for our own. By releasing our grievances we free ourselves from the burden of resentment. We open ourselves up to the peace that comes from recognizing our oneness with all beings.
    So how can we practice this directive in our daily lives? Take a moment to reflect on your relationship with your parents. Notice any judgments or resentments that are present, and gently invite yourself to see beyond them. See your parents as innocent children, worthy of love and compassion simply because of their divine nature.
    Practice extending forgiveness and understanding to your parents, even if it's just in your own mind. Remember that forgiveness doesn't mean condoning hurtful actions or staying in toxic situations. Rather, it's a choice to release the past and see the God within all beings, including yourself.
    As you go about your day, remember that honoring your father and mother is not just about your biological parents, but about recognizing the divine spark within all beings. Look beyond the ego's judgments and offer unconditional love and forgiveness. This is how we align ourselves with the truth of our inherent oneness and open ourselves up to the peace that is our birthright.
    In the next part, we'll explore the Sixth Directive: "You shall not murder." Get ready to discover how this teaching invites us to examine how we create separation and harm in our thoughts and actions.
    I am sorry.
    Please forgive me.
    Thank you.
    I love you.
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