1. What can we do?
Mighty Companions, you ask: "How can there be so much evil in the world?" The world you perceive is but a dream, a fleeting illusion born of your belief in separation from your true Self. What you call "evil" is simply a distortion of the truth, a mistaken belief in scarcity, lack, and limitation. Let's get real, there is only the infinite, eternal, and perfect Love of God. Awaken from this dream by looking past the appearances to the light within.
You ask: "What can we do?" The answer is simple: Choose once again. In every moment, you are presented with the opportunity to choose between fear and love, judgment and forgiveness. When you choose love and forgiveness, you align with the truth of your Being and become an instrument of peace in this world. Let your light shine forth, for it is through you that the dream of darkness is undone.
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.
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