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Ideas Post

How do you deal with overwhelm? Any tips?

    1. I wrote yesterday about a gut feeling. A sense that a shift is coming, that somehow things are changing. Or, I am craving change.

    2. I find these things sneak up on me. Everything is going swimmingly and then it isn't. Some niggle or discontent sneaks in. It catches me unawares. It's part of the evolution.

    3. Then I start asking myself, am I happy with this? What's wrong with it? What do I want to change? Change isn't immediate. Sometimes it takes a while to recognise the feeling.

    4. I've got back into writing again. After months of relentless work, I've been inspired to get started again. I've been writing online, I've been creating daily lists. But I want to do more. The question is always time.

    5. I am overwhelmed at work. I have three sheets of to do lists. I haven't even looked at email in over a week. I have overdue tasks. My days get derailed ... often.

    6. When to do what I didn't manage to do during the day? I used to catch up in the morning before I went into work, when I got home in the evening, at weekends. I ended up working 7 days a week. I was up to date but exhausted all the time.

    7. This is a part time job! I probably work double my contracted hours.

    8. I don't know how to get things into balance. I manage a team, I run projects. I'm responsible for a whole heap of stuff.

    9. I've tried lots of approaches. Some work for a while. I'd love to hear your recommendations and suggestions, please, for things I could try to achieve better work/life balance. Thanks!

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