NotePD Loader
Ideas Post

How do you tackle a project/problem/thing you need to get done?

One manifestation of my laziness is that I don't like to paint myself into a corner where I have to get the thing done in the next few hours. One is I just don't like the idea of having to work on something when I might not feel like it plus a call for service with the fire department can take all day, or longer.

    1. Size up the task right away

    Develop at least a rough understanding of the project if not a precise understanding as soon as I know I have to do it. This might be thinking about it or mapping out a list of what is required.

    2. Sleep on it

    If I have a week or more, I will think about the project and often sleeping on it adds a couple of useful dimensions that did not come immediately in step 1

    3. Do most of the work on the 2nd or 3rd day

    Assuming I have at least a week. This is where the heavy lifting gets done. Usually this step will be done in the afternoon, ideally I will have a baseball game on quietly in the background. Some people function better with music, for me it is some sort of game (ideally baseball).

    4. "Finish" on the next day

    This is more like pick up where I left off the day before to finish the first draft.

    5. Wait a day and then review it

    The day in between is more time to think and maybe add a couple of things. Then review it and send it in or whatever the equivalent of send it in is for the circumstance.

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