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How To Be Successful in Upwork

I have read a list about becoming a top rated freelancer in Upwork... I thought I'd make one too related to it.

    1. Great work is rewarded on Upwork

    When you’re working on a project for a client, make it your best work. The higher the quality of work that you do for your clients, the more jobs you’ll get in the future.

    2. Be active

    The goal is to have clients seeking you out, but you need to be active until that point.

    3. Perfect your profile

    Improving your profile is one of the best things you can do to get more jobs on Upwork. Your profile is your opportunity to advertise your freelance business to potential clients by emphasizing your skills and expertise. Successful profiles are 100% complete, detailed, and describe your services and accomplishments in a compelling way.

    4. Find Your Niche

    The more you focus on specific skill sets, the easier it will be for you to grow your business. It may seem like backward advice to not go after any and every job. But, it’s essential to be strategic about the services you offer as you grow your freelancing business.

    5. Focus on the Client

    Clients are looking to hire freelancers who can help them solve a problem that they can’t solve themselves, and they want to know how you can do it. Make sure to focus on the client and their situation. Explain how you’ll provide value to the client. Instead of making your profile, proposals, and communication all about you, make it about them.

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