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How to create memories that last forever

    1. First, be aware of your surroundings

    This is the most important thing. It's hard to remember something if you are not paying attention to it. If you are walking down the street and someone passes by in a blue shirt, notice the color of his shirt. Notice the shape of his body, how he moves, what he looks like, what he is doing. If you are at a party and someone walks up to you, notice how they look and how they move. How do they stand? What is their posture like? Are they smiling? What does their voice sound like? When you first meet someone, say their name over and over again in your head as you are talking to them so that you can remember it later.

    2. Write things down

    3. Create triggers

    For instance, if I am going out for dinner with friends I might put on my favorite pair of pants (a trigger) because I know that night will be a good memory for me later on. Or if I am at an event where I might want to network later on then I'll wear my "networking" shirt (another trigger). Or when I was dating my wife I would always put on a tie if we were going someplace nice so that I could look at myself in the mirror before we left and think "this is a special night".

    4. Make stories out of everything

    If you meet ten people at a party instead of just remembering ten people there, create stories about each person there. Like "the guy wearing the blue shirt reminds me of my friend Joe who used to wear blue shirts all the time." And then later on when you see Joe again it will trigger memories about that party. Or "the girl with red hair reminds me of this girl from high school." That way even if people look different from one moment to another (which they often do), you can still trigger memories about them by associating them with other people or other events in your life.

    5. The Memory Palace technique

    I've written about this before but basically it's like using your brain as an old fashioned computer where each room in your house represents a different memory category (like work, or family events), and then each location within that room represents an item within that category (like "my desk" = work-related items). Then when trying to recall something place whatever it is ("My daughter's birthday") into whatever category ("family") and then go visit each location within that category ("my daughter's room", "my desk", etc) until you find where she had her birthday (maybe it was on my desk). So instead of having millions of random memories floating around in your head, categorized via this technique makes it easier for retrieval later on.

    6. Use technology

    I use Evernote for almost every single thing I read or view online so that I don't forget anything ever again!
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