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How to get the news to talk about your business

    1. The "Pre-Launch" Launch

    If you are launching a new product, service, or book (or an update to any of those), don't announce it on the day you launch. Announce it six weeks before. Why? - People will start talking about it and linking to it before the launch date. - People will be able to actually use your product or service and give feedback before the launch date. - You can build up some buzz and press on the actual launch date. This is how I did my last book, "Choose Yourself!" when I first announced it in October 2013. By December 18th that year I was #1 on the NY Times bestseller list for all non-fiction books (and stayed there for three months). I also sold over a million copies of that book and made a lot of money off of it. And then when I launched "Choose Yourself!" as a podcast in April 2018, I did another pre-launch where I announced it in March and sold 100,000 copies in the first month (and hit #1 on Amazon again).

    2. Do a "soft launch"

    A soft launch is where you make your product or service available but don't tell anyone about it yet. Just start getting feedback from people who are using your product without telling them they are part of a test group. Use Survey Monkey or another tool to get feedback from these early users so you can improve what you have and then later when you do your official launch, people will say, "Wow! They really listened to our feedback! This is amazing!"

    3. Interviews

    Get interviewed by podcasts that have large audiences relevant to your business or industry. Get interviewed by other people's podcasts even if they have smaller audiences than the first group above but still relevant audiences for your business/industry. When people interview me here's what I do: - Write down ten ideas for books or products that would help my audience.- Write down ten ideas for projects that excite me.- Write down ten things that are going on in my life right now.- Write down ten things that interest me.- Then write down ten ways each of those items above can be turned into a podcast episode with me as the host.- Send this list to whoever is interviewing me so they can see what topics we cover during the interview rather than having them guess beforehand what topics might interest me.- Also send them links to articles written about me so they can read up on who I am before we talk.- If possible, do an interview with someone else who has done similar interviews with successful entrepreneurs so they can hear how other entrepreneurs describe their success stories and strategies as well as their failures (which always makes good content).- Do at least two hours worth of research before the interview so you know enough about whatever topic they want to talk about (even though sometimes we don't end up talking about whatever topic they think we'll talk about; instead we just riff off each other).

    4. Linkbait

    Write an article every day that gets shared around social media like crazy because it's funny/totally outrageous/controversial/provocative/insightful/etc.. Here's an example . Or write one article per week along these lines . Or write one article per week along these lines . Or write one article per week along these lines . Or write one article per week along these lines . Or write one article per week along these lines . Or write one article per week along these lines . Or write one article per week along these lines . Or write one article per week along these lines .

    5. Books! Books! Books!

    Write multiple books related to your industry or field and publish them all at once on different platforms
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