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How to Make a Successful Upwork Profile

For people who want to start their side gig in Upwork, you need to read this!


    1. Use a Professional Photo

    The first tip is really simple and easy: Use a professional photo for your featured image. Since you only get one image, it’s important to make it count. You want it to accurately show who you are in a semi-professional way.

    2. Write a Compelling Headline

    The first thing that clients will see, besides your picture and location, is your headline. You want to clearly communicate what you do and also be mindful of keywords. Your headline isn’t the time to get cute!

    3. Add a 1–2-Minute Video

    When a potential client clicks over to your Upwork profile, they’ll see your headline and a snippet of your bio. But if they don’t want to click more, they can also click “Play Video” to learn more about you and your writing services.

    (This is one of the thing that I need to do for my profile :D I am a bit camera shy!)

    4. Nail Your Bio

    If clients do click over to your profile, they can watch your video and also read your full bio. Think of your bio as your writer website. This is the time to show off your skills and make clients feel confident working with you.

    5. Don’t Forget About Formatting

    Another easy tip to make your profile look professional and stand out is to format it properly. As a writer, the last thing you want to have is a profile that makes you look like a rookie writer.

    6. Upload Portfolio Pieces

    Another vitally important piece of your Upwork profile is your portfolio section. Just like you do with a writing website, you want to upload samples of your work to give clients a preview of what it’s like to work with you. The more samples you can upload, the better. I would suggest uploading at least three to five, but more won’t hurt.

    7. Add 10 Skills

    Below your portfolio pieces are your skills section. Here, you want to add as many as you can, assuming you can actually do the job. Only list skills that are relevant to your writing, niche, and experience. Add up to ten skills in total and drag tags to a new position.

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