Ideas Post

If you could bring back any canceled TV show, which one would it be and why?

TV shows come and go, but some of them leave a lasting impact on their fans. If you could revive one of your favorite shows that was canceled, which one would it be? Why did you love it so much, and how do you think it would be received by audiences today?

    1. Firefly

    Firefly is the best Sci-fi show ever made. It's a space western. The premise is that the universe gets colonized and some of the colonies rebel against Earth. A "space cowboy" named Mal Reynolds leads a crew on his ship, Serenity, to pick up passengers and cargo in space between planets.

    2. The premise sounds boring but it's not!

    In reality, there are no rules about what you can do in space so it's really about outlaws flying around trying to make money any way they can.

    3. Joss Whedon (the guy who did Buffy) created it but FOX cancelled it after one season.

    The first episode is slow but if you watch an episode or two more you'll be hooked.

    4. Why was it so good?

    A great cast (including the guy who was Hal on "Masters of Sex"), great writing by Joss Whedon, and a fantastic mix of characters. There are no good guys or bad guys, just people doing their best to survive in a harsh world that doesn't care about them at all.

    5. Here's why I think it would work today:

    It's basically "Fargo" in space with a sci-fi twist thrown in. All of the characters are criminals (or have criminal pasts), each character has a secret or two, and everyone has their own personal demons that haunt them every day even though they try to hide it from others or themselves. Everyone wants money for different reasons but they all get caught up in each other's lives as they travel from planet to planet trying to find decent jobs or opportunities for profit making . Like Fargo, there are multiple story lines happening at once with intersecting characters and stories that weave together into something greater than the sum of its parts (like when Sheriff Bob tries to figure out what happened with "Mr Wint") Also like Fargo, there is comedy mixed in with crime drama mixed in with sci-fi elements thrown in for fun (like when Mal has an argument with his pilot because he thinks they should've landed on a planet instead of leaving). Plus there's action and romance thrown into the mix as well. It's all wrapped up into one package where everything somehow makes sense by the end even though nothing seems like it should fit together at all . And does! This show was cancelled due to low ratings after only 11 episodes were aired even though fans still talk about this show today 17 years later . Hulu recently started streaming all episodes so check them out! You won't regret it!
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