If you could bring back any canceled TV show, which one would it be and why?

1. You me and the apocalypse
The main flaw for this show is the trailer did it no justice. I remember seeing the trailer and instantly dismissing it. I think I decided to watch it randomly one day and loved it.
A metior is heading to earth and everyone has about a month to live. But the first scene is about a few people who managed to survive in an underground bunker and the episodes are flashbacks on how they all ended up sharing this bunker. It's so much more than what the trailer makes it out to be.
I'd love to see what happens next as it ended on a cliffhanger.
If you haven't watched it I highly recommend checking it out.
2. My name is Earl
The later series were not as good as the first, but I'd still like to see how it was ment to end.
Trailer pretty much perfectly describes this show.
3. Daredevil
It's coming back, but Disney is now in charge. I hope they manage to pull it off. Daredevil is one of my favourite superhero shows. Mostly due to the lack of magic.
4. Rock and chips
Only fools and horses is a brittish classic (of you enjoy comedy I highly recommend this). Rock and chips shows the life f Dale and Rodney as kids and focuses more on their mums life. Sadly the creator died before they could finish the story and out of respect (and possibly noone else being able to do half as good a job) they decided not to make any more.
5. Welcome To The NHK
Technical it is complete, but only in Japanese. The English dub only got half done. One of my favourite anime (and TV shows in general). I'd love to see the English dub completed.
6. Chuck
The last 2 series weren't quiet as good, but I love the characters and would kill to see more of them. It tied up most loose ends and ended nicely, but I still want more.
7. An idiot abroad
Or anything with Karl Pilkington. The world needs more of his unique look at the world.
8. Kim's Convince
It ended, but I'd love to see more. Really good show. About a family that owns a corner shop.
9. Game of thrones
A great series. Shame it ended before 'winter' came and a new /king queen was crowned. Series 8 sucked, redo it. In fact redo 6 - 8. How can something so good end so badly?
10. Dick and Dom in Da Bungalow
Their doing live shows this year so I'll try and see one of them at some point. Wacky kids TV show I loved it. Watch the below video and you'll see why we need more of it.
11. Who wants to be a superhero
Stan Lees show to find the next great superhero. Kids make up their own superhero then they're put through tests whilst playing that hero. I remember one test was for speed, but an old granny ends up dropping her shopping whilst they're racing. The real test is to see who stops to help her. It was a fun show and was nice to see kids learning important lessons. They did one for adults, but their was something odd watching adults do it.