If you could communicate with your pet, what would you want to talk about?
In my case, this would be Putzi the cat.
1. Food
What does she really like?
2. Love
Since she has been neutered, what roles do love and sexuality play in her life?
3. Social interactions
Her interactions with other cats are very limited. Except (unfortunately) a strong young tom cat. Those two hate each other.
4. Joy
Where does the joy in her life come from?
5. Fears
She has some deep-seated fears: The laser printer and the vacuum cleaner seem to be the most horrible entities she knows.
6. Hunting
What is it like to hunt mice and birds?
7. Death
Does she actually know that she will die?
8. Entertainment
Her life is quite boring. Why does she not get bored?
9. Language
What does she understand, besides "cat", "food", "come" and "go outside"?
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