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In 2023 there was/is a writers strike in Hollywood USA. One of the sticking points is whether the studios can use AI generated content. What are 10 thoughts that you have about this?

These can be be any thoughts or opinions that you have about this.

    1. AI generated content will be really good

    The first time I saw an AI generated image of a person I was impressed. They put in a picture of me and then put the AI generated image next to it. It was scary accurate. The same thing happened with videos.
    I think in ten years or so, if you have 20 million dollars to spend on a movie, you can just tell the AIs what kind of genre and story you want and they will generate scripts for you. Even better than most humans (who are not being paid millions).

    2. This is great for writers who are stuck

    If you can't figure out what happens next in your novel, just ask the AI. It'll tell you what happens next and then you can write it down.

    3. This is bad for writers who make their living writing

    At least in the short term, but probably not in the long term.

    4. This is bad for actors

    I don't know if this is true but there's an idea out there that AIs will be able to replace actors with lifelike avatars that look like whoever it is that needs to act in a scene. In other words, no more need for human actors at all.

    5. This is bad for directors who make their living directing movies

    Maybe but this might also give them more time to focus on quality over quantity since they won't have to deal with all aspects of making a movie (writing included).

    6. This is bad for studios who make their living distributing movies made by other studios

    In the short-term maybe but again, probably not long-term since all aspects of making a movie would be automated (including distribution). Maybe after 100 years we'll have virtual reality theaters where people pay by minute or by second to go into VR worlds where they watch movies projected onto walls inside these VR worlds (like "Westworld"). Or maybe we'll just download movies directly into our brains via nanobots injected into our ears while watching the movie (see my book "Tomorrowland"). But I think eventually distribution will become automated as well so there's no middleman involved when buying/selling/distributing media across all platforms imaginable.

    7. What about books

    Will AIs replace authors



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    in some ways

    it depends on what type of book we're talking about here's some thoughts on that:
    There will always be authors writing books because it's fun

    There will always be authors writing books because they want to express something important that they feel compelled to share

    There will always be authors writing books because they want money

    Books that fall into those categories above might still use AIs to help them write better stories faster

    Books that fall into those categories above might still use AIs as ghostwriters

    Books that fall into those categories above might use AIs for research purposes only

    Books that fall into those categories above might use AIs as editors before publishing

    Some genres of books might disappear entirely due to competition from AI generated content within those genres (for instance, romance novels might disappear since romance novels are generally very formulaic and easy for an AI to generate)
    Some genres of books might explode due to competition from AI generated content within those genres (for instance, sci-fi novels could explode since sci-fi has many subgenres which are very hard for an AI to generate)
    Authors who create intellectual property such as characters within franchises could license out their characters/franchises so that AIs can write thousands of episodes/books/etc telling stories about those characters/franchises without any human effort at all on the part of the original
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