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Is NotePD Hurting my Productivity?

I am so thankful for NotePD James, and his team for creating this wonderful endeavor and community. But sometimes I wonder if I'm paying a price for it?

Is NotePD Hurting my Productivity?

    1. Time at the Keyboard

    Many of my hours at my primary job are spent at the keyboard. Like too many of us, I waste further time staring at screens of all sizes and not really being productive. I've re-committed to keeping my streak alive because idea lists are definitely one form of mental exercise. I also find myself way behind on the creative writing I am working on. Whether it is eye strain, back pain, or just plain exhaustion, I think that my body will only stay at the keyboard for a certain, but unknown period of time. Is time invested in NotePD limiting the time available for my other writing endeavours?

    2. Too many Foci?

    My creative writing is in a very different area that my primary source of income. NotePD likewise often leads me down thought ways that I never would have explored before. Both as a reader and a contributor. While I think this variety is a good thing and a way to exercise different sections of the brain; is too many foci leading to a loss of focus?

    3. Am I practicing the wrong thing or the wrong way?

    The best way to get better at writing is by writing. I have no allusions that my writing does not need strong editing and revision. It does. But at least to me, writing a short story, novella, or novel for publication is a very different style than I use when I'm making lists here. Should I be focusing more on storytelling?

    4. Am I becoming addicted to the feedback?

    I've never been the person who chases likes, clicks, re-tweets, etc. In fact, I don't even really understand that. I've never had a large presence on social media and don't pay it much attention. However, NotePd has had a different effect on me. While I still don't even notice when something I've written here garnishes no attention; I always look forward to comments and commenting on other great content I've read. The positive reinforcement can be intoxicating.

    Working on my creative pieces is a solitary affair. Weeks, months or even years may go by before there is any reaction to something I'm working on. And that's assuming I didn't scrap it before it even gets published. Is this lack of confirmation subconsciously weighing down my work?

    5. Nope!

    While NotePD has ingrained itself into my routine in ways that I didn't expect; it is not an uninvited guest or party crasher. It is instead a stalwart companion who supports me and nudges me forward, even when it seems like the opposite.

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