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Knocks on the Door or a Battering Ram? (2 min 7 sec)

Imagine your mind as a house, and the knocks on the door represent the gentle, everyday thoughts and feelings that come and go. These are like the thoughts of kindness, love, and understanding that love encourages us to cultivate. They are like friendly visitors who gently tap on the door, seeking your attention.
On the other hand, the battering ram or the enforcer represents strong negative emotions, such as anger, hatred, and fear. These emotions are overwhelming and destructive, much like the force of a battering ram trying to break down the door.

    1. Forgiveness is the way to let go of negative emotions and judgments.

    When you notice a mere knock on the door, it's like forgiving (having the correct perception) a small mistake someone made. It's easy to open the door and let it go. But when the enforcer comes knocking, it's like you're holding onto grudges and refusing to forgive. This feels like a battering ram trying to break through, causing turmoil in your mind.

    2. Do you choose love and kindness over fear and anger?

    When you respond to the gentle knocks with love and kindness, you are welcoming positive thoughts and feelings into your mind. You're opening the door to a friendly visitor who brings joy and peace. However, if you let the battering ram of negativity take over, it's like inviting chaos and destruction into your mental house.

    3. We are encouraged to be mindful of our thoughts and emotions.

    When you pay attention to the knocks on the door, you can choose which ones to let in and which ones to keep out. You're being the gatekeeper of your own mind. The battering ram represents the lack of mindfulness, where negative emotions take control without your awareness.
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