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Leaving Valencia for a while

List scheduled at the time of departure of my train.

Going to Barcelona for two nights to see friends, then flying to Brussels.

    1. Going to Belgium for family matters (at least for a month)

    2. Gonna use that time to focus on work and not be very social outside of seeing my close friends

    3. I think I'll let my beard grow

    It's already longer than usual right now.

    4. I'm strongly considering traveling to South-East Asia (for the first time in my life)

    5. Would be nice to find a cool spot in nature to live the slow life for a month (focus on work and reading)

    6. I may or may not meet up with a special person

    7. Gotta make sure I keep exercising though!

    8. I intend on moving back to Valencia within a few months

    In large part due to my friendships here.

    9. But right now, it wouldn't feel right to stay

    10. I have a lot on my mind, but the most important for now it to be with my family in Belgium, and I'll figure out the next step in due time

    11. I'm bummed out about the change in weather though

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