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Lesser known books, everyone should read

It's been a while since I've read these books and I don't have copies at hand to check my notes so expect a very rough description of each.

    1. Trillion dollar coach (Eric Shmidt)

    About Bill Campbell, a coach who helped out people at the top of silicon Valley. He helped Google, apple and other big companies build their companys. He saw similarities between sports teams and a business and as a result saw better ways of building them.

    I really need to reread this it's been a while, but really enjoyed this highly recommend.

    2. Loserthink (Scott Adams l

    How to think better. It's easy to make bad decisions due to simple flaws in thinking (Eg causation vs corilation). This book is full of examples of 'loserthink' and how to avoid falling into the same traps that lead to it.

    3. Anything you want (Derek Sivers)

    A short business book. No fluff, straight to the point advice.

    4. Mental models (Peter Hollins)

    Mental models are different ways of thinking depending on the topic. This book allows me to see things from a different perspective and as a result I'm able to see different solutions to the problem.

    5. How to think like a roman emperor (Donald Robertson)

    A great starters guide to stoicism. This book goes through Marcus Aurelius life and shows you how he used stoicism to get through tough times.

    6. The soulful Art of Persuasion (Jason Harris)

    How to use persuasion without being manipulative. Other persuasion books are filled with fluff this book removes most of it. Good starter book if your interested in the topic.

    7. The apple experience

    How a company should be run. Why do people like apple stores and why do people love working there? This book seeks to answer that question. I'm not an owner of a company, but I think having an insight now on how they should be run will help me out in the future, when I do need to manage a team /run a business.

    8. Alchemy (Rory Sutherlandl

    Ben Shapero likes to say 'facts don't care about feelings' this book proves that 'feelings don't care about facts'. Our purchases aren't based on logic. Logic states that tablets are all the same, yet we buy the brand names that cost more when sick. Toothpastes would be just as effective, and cheeper, without the mint flavouring or the stripes, but the flavor and stripes make us feel like they work better. This book is full of great examples on how our feelings drive our actions a lot more than logic does. Worth a read as it'll open up a whole new way of thinking.

    9. Solve for happy (Mo Gawdatt)

    Mo lays out different ways on how to be happier. I really enjoyed this book.

    10. Small giants (Bo Burlingham)

    Why some companies choose to remain small. I loved this book it goes to show that some things are more important than money, even in business. More people means a close nit team turns into workmates, into people I work with into oh you work for X too, I've never seen you before. Before you expand your business read this and you might find that remaining a small giant is the better option.

    11. The Rocco Effect - Set 1 (Rocco Desta)

    A short guide on how to live a happier life. My first book.
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