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Lessons from Willy Wonka. (1 min 20 sec)


The scene in Willy Wonka's Factory where the children are cautioned not to stick their hands in the pool of chocolate carries several lessons that can be metaphorically linked to the concept of the ego.

    1. In the world of Willy Wonka, the chocolate pool represents a well-ordered and perfectly created system.

    Similarly, God's creation is perfect and in divine order, a state of perfect oneness.

    2. The child who disobeys and sticks his hands into the chocolate pool is a metaphor for the ego's attempt to interfere with God's perfect Creation.

    Just as the child's actions disrupt the purity of the chocolate, the ego's beliefs and desires disrupt the awareness of God's Oneness.

    3. In the movie, the child who disobeys faces the consequences of his actions, and Willy Wonka doesn't intervene.

    This parallels the idea that we must face the consequences of our ego-driven thoughts and actions. God doesn't interfere but allows us to learn from our choices.

    4. Willy Wonka's amusement symbolizes the idea that, from a higher perspective, the divine sees the ego's attempts as trivial and powerless in the face of God's perfection.

    The ego's illusions have no real impact on God's Creation of perfect oneness.

    5. Overall, this scene highlights the ego's attempts to disrupt divine perfection and the idea that we must recognize the futility of the ego's endeavors to return to the awareness of God's Oneness.

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