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Life is Practice (3 min 17 sec read)

How we practice is how we live. We don't get what we want, we get what we practice. Therefore, it's crucial to practice effectively. Mere analysis without practice is useless and results in failure.
It's important to let go of the need to argue and defend the Truth. Truth speaks for itself and doesn't require defending. Moreover, winning and losing are not the essence of life, nor is maintaining your ego or attacking your enemies.
To discover the true essence of life, practice unconditional love, and forgiveness. When we forgive, we release negative thoughts and emotions and open ourselves up to the Love and Light of God. This connection with God is essential and shaped by our beliefs and experiences.
As we practice seeing the innocence and perfection in everything, including our "enemies" and deepen our connection with God, our experience of life will transform.
If we do this, we will experience God's Presence and witness Miracles in our lives.

    1. If we practice that God is judgmental and punishes us, pain and hardship are inevitable.

    2. If we practice the belief that God is separate from us and unreachable, suffering is inevitable.

    3. If we practice that God created us and the world we live in, suffering is inevitable.

    4. If we believe that God favors certain individuals or groups over others, we are mistaken.

    As of 2023, the combined wealth of the top 61 people in the US is estimated to be around $4.97 trillion, while the combined wealth of the bottom 50% of the population is estimated to be around $2.50 trillion. 
    This means that the top 61 people in the US have roughly twice as much wealth as the bottom 50% of the population combined. 

    5. If we practice that God is responsible for natural disasters or tragedies, we are not seeing clearly.

    6. If we practice that God requires our worship and obedience, we do not understand the true nature of God.

    7. If we practice that God intervenes in our lives to reward or punish us, we will experience a sense of reward and punishment.

    8. If we practice that God is a being with a physical form, we limit God to our human understanding and likeness.

    9. If we believe that God is limited by our perceptions and beliefs, we will experience God as limited.

    10. If we believe that God's love is conditional and can be earned or lost, we do not fully understand the nature of God or the true meaning of unconditional love.

    11. What are you practicing?

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