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LOTS OF ways you can make use of creativity

    1. You can just think about things. The world. Yourself. Anything.

    2. You can improve yourself. How ? Just ask yourself - how ? I began to exercise every day. I feel so much better. It's difficult to describe with words. You have to experience it.

    3. Money. Middle class people turn time into money. World class people turn ideas into money.

    4. Make yourself feel good. This is not about self pleasuring yourself. Tell yourself that you love yourself. Because you have to. Nobody else will love yourself the way you do. Think about what would make your day a good one.

    5. Think about weird things and be unconventional. What's the opposite of being creative ? I have no idea. Actually - I have lots of ideas. Perhaps it is lack of change. Being indifferent ? Being repetitive ? Or small-minded?

    6. Think about things that you have no idea about. What confuses me ? Why some people like other people immediately. Or how people judge other people so quickly. Maybe this is evolution ! Danger !

    7. Help someone. Share ideas. I love to share ideas. It's so fun. People react in such weird ways. Often they're surprised. They always appreciate it. Sometimes they're impressed. Usually thankful. Or grateful.

    8. Map your mind. How does that work ? Figure it out ! Or keep reading. Look into the mirror. What do you see ? Write it down. Look at your eyes. What do you see ? Write it down. Write it down. Write it down ! Or draw something.

    9. Become an artist. Draw. Write. Build something. Express yourself.

    10. My creative advice: Come up with your own ways.

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