Make Up 12 English Words and Expressions
Most of these are literal translations of expressions from our dialect in the Austrian state of Salzburg and from German. Stole the idea from @lovingkindnesscomedy who stole it from @coachmattfried.
1. A wild dog
A crazy and reckless guy
2. Being birdy
Being mad. From the pictorial expression that a crazy person has a bird that is up to mischief in their head.
3. Larm
As far as I know, the English language doesn't have a word for a noise that is loud and annoying at the same time.
4. Lookable
In the sense of: Be so vivid and clear that an understandable picture emerges immediately. An equivalent of "anschaulich".
5. Greatish
Big and pompous in nature.
6. Forthpulling
So wonderful that it pulls you off your feet.
7. Tummyachy
Extremely unsympathetic and thus causing stomach pains.
8. Incense swayer
An overly solemn and hypocritical person
9. Look-down-shy
Someone who gets scared when they are at high altitude
10. Homet
A word that combines the meanings of hometown, homeland and familiar surroundings from childhood.
11. Damage joy
Literal translation of the word "Schadenfreude": The joy one feels when a misfortune befalls an unloved person.
12. Foam beater
A person who makes a lot of fuss
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