More (bad) ways to answer multiple choice tests.
H/T @sheeraz
1. Answer every question with the same answer.
I've experienced this. I had a professor give a 100-question multiple choice final exam where every answer was (A). Freaked the entire class out.
P.S. It was his final class. He was retiring
2. Look for a pattern.
I've also experienced this. I had a high school teacher who intentionally made every one of his multiple-choice test with a pattern. It was easier for him to grade, and he loved watching the students try to figure it out.
3. Make a pattern.
Might as well be creative.
4. If you don't know the answer, just skip it.
This only works if there are penalties for wrong answers. Since very few exams are graded this way, this plan is bad for your score, but good for time management and your mental energy.
5. Practice your spelling.
BAD, DAD, DADDA, ADD, CAB, etc. You get the idea.
6. Close your eyes and pick.
7. Copy off Tommy.
You'll probably get caught and Tommy isn't half as smart as he thinks he is.
8. Always bet on the longshot
Picking the answer with the least chance of winning is a good strategy for seeing this class again.
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