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Ideas Post

My biggest concerns about A.I. in Art and Design (that aren't about job stealing)

Note: I'm not against A.I. as such, but I do believe that it needs to be said that it can and likely will be used in disappointing ways when it comes to art and design.

    1. It takes the soul of creating

    If I can type in a few words and get 100 images, that's great - but have I really done the work? There isn't much chance to really get a 'feeling' for the work.

    2. I'm not doing the work

    If A.I. creates something for me, is it mine? It's my prompt that created it? But similar to hiring a freelancer, is it really mine if someone (something) else creates it? Or is it shared?

    3. No chance of collaboration

    A.I. isn't likely to make suggestions that will improve a piece of work the same way that a peer, a client or even a fan on social media might.

    4. Everything will look the same

    Once someone stumbles on a 'prompt' that sells, what do we think will happen?

    We will get courses of 'the best prompts to sell work' or they will tell us the prompt and everyone will use it. While we have trends in art and design, it's unlikely that anyone will build on a trend and instead it will completely burn out until the next individual 'prompt' starts up.

    5. Misinformation

    Art can be a powerful tool when it comes to society and the important topics in society, A.I. could quite easily be used to provide misinformation in a creative format.

    Not to mention it may not even realise it's doing this and may depend on the data and information given to it.

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