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Never Wear A Shoe That Pinches Your Foot. (1 min 56 sec)


    1. Liberating your soul from the illusions that hurt.

    "Never wear a shoe that pinches your foot" can be likened to the way ACIM speaks about the ego and our attachment to the illusions of the world. The "shoe" is the ego's thought system — the self-concept, the roles we play, the identities we cling to, and the external circumstances we try to fit ourselves into for validation, success, or approval. These are like ill-fitting shoes, pinching our mind and soul, causing suffering because they are misaligned with our true nature.
    ACIM teaches that our true identity is not found in the physical world or egoic constructs but in Spirit, in our oneness with God. Yet, we often "wear the shoe" of the ego, believing that we must fit into the world's expectations, chase external achievements, or seek love and worth outside of ourselves. Just as a tight shoe causes discomfort, living from the ego’s demands brings emotional pain, anxiety, and a sense of lack.
    The profound message of ACIM is to step out of the ego's shoe. We are invited to surrender these false ideas of self and instead choose the path of peace, guided by the Holy Spirit, which always leads us back to our true nature. Wearing a shoe that fits — metaphorically — is like accepting your true identity as Love, Spirit, and as a Child of God. There’s no need to struggle, because wholeness and peace are already yours.
    In this light, the metaphor is provocative: why do we keep choosing to wear a painful shoe when we could walk in comfort and freedom by remembering who we truly are?
    ACIM has a way of turning these everyday metaphors into profound spiritual truths that shake up our perception of life. The idea of stepping out of those "pinching shoes" we’ve worn for so long is liberating, and it echoes ACIM's core message: we’re not bound to the painful illusions of the ego unless we choose to be.
    The more we shed those old shoes — those false identities and beliefs — the more we feel that lightness, that true freedom that ACIM speaks about. It’s like finally realizing we never needed to suffer in those tight shoes; the moment we choose peace, we discover the path was always open to us.
    I am sorry.
    Please forgive me.
    Thank you.
    I love you.
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